Sunday, June 22, 2008

And it's getting hotter...

by Austin

I was really waiting for the summer but that's tooooo much! It 's still June and I measure 43 degrees celcium 2 days ago...I couldn't do anything.No walk, no energy, no nothing...I was lying on the floor changing spots every 5 minutes to find a cooler place.

My family is on the verge of a breakdown too. They drink water all the time and have showers...Fortunately I spend most of my time at my grandparents' where is much cooler than the other house which I don't like at all by the way....Whenever I go there, I stand behind the door to show that I want to leave...Don't get me wrong...I love my parents but they change houses all the time (4 so far in my life) and I don't like it...

anyway, I m off to find a cool spot...hope you have found yours...




Petra said...

Hi Austin! Thanks for coming to visit me. My grandpa had a great party and I behaved myself! I hope you find a comfortable place to rest and stay cool. Drink lots of water!

Stanislaw said...

Try a bag of ice wrapped in a towel. It's a sweet way to cool off your belly, and I KNOW all about belly cooling. I'm a cold belly addict, and will place my shaved tum on anything that's chilly!

good luck finding that cool spot that stays cool...

The Zoo Crew said...

Hi! We just found your blog listed on DWB and thought we'd stop by to say hello.

It's super hot these days here in New Mexico and I'm a weirdo because I like to sun-bake. Mom gets worried because she's afraid I'm going to have a heatstroke. So then I come in and pass out on the cold floors :)

Stop by and say hi sometime!

Peace + Paws,


Unknown said...

Hi Austin!

I hate the heat too. I'm fine when I'm playing at the dog run (and can do bellyflops into the pool to cool off) but as soon as we start walking home, I need to lie down. Mommy keeps telling me I'm a Cairn terrier, not a "carrying" terrier (especially since I weigh 25 pounds!)

Hope you can find a nice cool spot to claim!

Your pal,



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